

In its simplest form, Django URL Filter usage resolves around FilterSet. They can be used manually:

from django import forms
from url_filter.filter import Filter
from url_filter.filtersets import FilterSet

class ProfileFilterSet(FilterSet):
    lives_in_country = Filter(form_field=forms.CharField())

class UserFilterSet(FilterSet):
    username = Filter(form_field=forms.CharField(), lookups=['exact'])
    email = Filter(form_field=forms.CharField())
    joined = Filter(form_field=forms.DateField())
    profile = ProfileFilterSet()

query = QueryDict(
fs = UserFilterSet(data=query, queryset=User.objects.all())
filtered_users = fs.filter()

Notable things to mention from above:

  • FilterSet can be used as a Filter within another FilterSet hence allowing filtering by related models.
  • form_field is used to validate the filter value. Each lookup however can overwrite validation. For example year lookup will use IntegerField rather then DateField.
  • Filter can restrict allowed lookups for that field by using lookup parameter


Instead of manually creating FilterSet, Django URL Filter comes with ModelFilterSet which greatly simplifies the task:

from django import forms
from url_filter.filtersets import ModelFilterSet

class UserFilterSet(ModelFilterSet):
    class Meta(object):
        model = User
        fields = ['username', 'email', 'joined', 'profile']

Notable things:

  • fields can actually be completely omitted. In that case FilterSet will use all fields available in the model, including related fields.

  • filters can be manually overwritten when custom behavior is required:

    class UserFilterSet(ModelFilterSet):
        username = Filter(form_field=forms.CharField(max_length=15))
        class Meta(object):
            model = User
            fields = ['username', 'email', 'joined', 'profile']


SQLAlchemy works very similar to how Django backend works. For example:

from django import forms
from url_filter.backend.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyFilterBackend
from url_filter.filtersets.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyModelFilterSet

class UserFilterSet(SQLAlchemyModelFilterSet):
    filter_backend_class = SQLAlchemyFilterBackend

    class Meta(object):
        model = User  # this model should be SQLAlchemy model
        fields = ['username', 'email', 'joined', 'profile']

fs = UserFilterSet(data=QueryDict(), queryset=session.query(User))

Notable things:

  • this works exactly same as ModelFitlerSet so refer above for some of general options.
  • filter_backend_class must be provided since otherwise DjangoFilterBackend will be used which will obviously not work with SQLAlchemy models.
  • queryset given to the queryset should be SQLAlchemy query object.


Django URL Filters tries to be usage-agnostic and does not assume how FilterSet is being used in the application. It does however ship with some common integrations to simplify common workflows.

Django REST Framework

Django URL Filter can rather easily be integrated with DRF. For that, a DRF filter backend is implemented and can be used in settings:


or manually set in the viewset:

class MyViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
    filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
    filter_fields = ['field1', 'field2']

Note in the example above, fields to be filtered on are explicitly specified in the filter_fields attribute. Alternatively if more control over FilterSet is required, it can be set explicitly:

class MyFilterSet(FilterSet):

class MyViewSet(ModelViewSet):
    queryset = MyModel.objects.all()
    serializer_class = MyModelSerializer
    filter_backends = [DjangoFilterBackend]
    filter_class = MyFilterSet


FilterSet by itself is decoupled from the actual filtering of the queryset. Backend can be swapped by using filter_backend_class:

class FooFilterSet(FilterSet):
    filter_backend_class = MyFilterBackend


Currently only DjangoFilterBackend is implemented which uses Django ORM however more backends are planned for.