Source code for url_filter.filtersets.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import abc
import enum
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

import six
from cached_property import cached_property
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
from django.http import QueryDict

from ..backends.django import DjangoFilterBackend
from ..exceptions import SkipFilter
from ..filters import BaseFilter
from ..utils import LookupConfig

__all__ = [

[docs]class StrictMode(enum.Enum): """ Strictness mode enum. :``drop`` (default): ignores all filter failures. when any occur, :class:`.FilterSet` simply then does not filter provided queryset. :``fail``: when validation fails for any filter within :class:`.FilterSet`, all error are compiled and cumulative ``ValidationError`` is raised. """ drop = 'drop' fail = 'fail'
LOOKUP_RE = re.compile( r'^(?:[^\d\W]\w*)(?:{}?[^\d\W]\w*)*(?:!)?$' r''.format(LOOKUP_SEP), re.IGNORECASE ) class FilterKeyValidator(RegexValidator): """ Custom regex validator for validating the querystring filter is of correct syntax:: name[__<relation>]*[__<lookup_method>][!] """ regex = LOOKUP_RE message = ( 'Filter key is of invalid format. ' 'It must be `name[__<relation>]*[__<lookup_method>][!]`.' ) filter_key_validator = FilterKeyValidator()
[docs]class FilterSetOptions(object): """ Base class for handling options passed to :class:`.FilterSet` via ``Meta`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, options=None): pass
class FilterSetMeta(type(BaseFilter)): """ Metaclass for creating :class:`.FilterSet` classes. Its primary job is to do: * collect all declared filters in all bases and set them as ``_declared_filters`` on created :class:`.FilterSet` class. * instantiate ``Meta`` by using ``filter_options_class`` attribute """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): try: parents = [b for b in bases if issubclass(b, FilterSet)] except NameError: parents = False new_class = super(FilterSetMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) # creating FilterSet itself if not parents: return new_class filters = {} for base in [vars(base) for base in bases] + [attrs]: filters.update({k: v for k, v in base.items() if isinstance(v, BaseFilter)}) new_class._declared_filters = filters new_class.Meta = new_class.filter_options_class( getattr(new_class, 'Meta', None) ) return new_class
[docs]class FilterSet(six.with_metaclass(FilterSetMeta, BaseFilter)): """ Main user-facing classes to use filtersets. It primarily does: * takes queryset to filter * takes querystring data which will be used to filter given queryset * from the querystring, it constructs a list of :class:`.LookupConfig` * loops over the created configs and attempts to get :class:`.FilterSpec` for each * in the process, it delegates the job of constructing spec to child filters when any match is found between filter defined on the filter and lookup name in the config Parameters ---------- data : QueryDict, optional ``QueryDict`` of querystring data. Only optional when :class:`.FilterSet` is used as a nested filter within another :class:`.FilterSet`. queryset : iterable, optional Can be any iterable as supported by the filter backend. Only optional when :class:`.FilterSet` is used as a nested filter within another :class:`.FilterSet`. context : dict, optional Context for filtering. This is passed to filtering backend. Usually this would consist of passing ``request`` and ``view`` object from the Django view. strict_mode : str, optional Strict mode how :class:`.FilterSet` should behave when any validation fails. See :class:`.StrictMode` doc for more information. Default is ``drop``. """ filter_backend_class = DjangoFilterBackend """ Class to be used as filter backend. By default :class:`.DjangoFilterBackend` is used. """ filter_options_class = FilterSetOptions """ Class to be used to construct ``Meta`` during :class:`.FilterSet` class creation time in its metaclass. """ default_strict_mode = StrictMode.drop """ Default strict mode which should be used when one is not provided in initialization. """ def __init__(self, data=None, queryset=None, context=None, strict_mode=None, *args, **kwargs): super(FilterSet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = data self.queryset = queryset self.context = context or {} self.strict_mode = strict_mode or self.default_strict_mode
[docs] def repr(self, prefix=''): """ Custom representation of the filterset Parameters ---------- prefix : str Prefix with which each line of the representation should be prefixed with. This allows to recursively get the representation of all descendants with correct indentation (children are indented compared to parent) """ header = '{name}({source})'.format( name=self.__class__.__name__, source='source="{}"'.format(self.source) if self.is_bound else '', ) lines = [header] + [ '{prefix}{key} = {value}'.format( prefix=prefix + ' ', key=k, value=v.repr(prefix=prefix + ' '), ) for k, v in sorted(self.filters.items()) ] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def get_filters(self): """ Get all filters defined in this filterset. By default only declared filters are returned however this method is meant to be used as a hook in subclasses in order to enhance functionality such as automatically adding filters from model fields. """ return deepcopy(self._declared_filters)
@cached_property def filters(self): """ Cached property for accessing filters available in this filteset. In addition to getting filters via :meth:`.get_filters`, this property binds all filters to the filterset by using :meth:`.BaseFilter.bind`. See Also -------- get_filters :meth:`.BaseFilter.bind` """ filters = self.get_filters() for name, _filter in filters.items(): _filter.bind(name, self) return filters @cached_property def default_filter(self): """ Cached property for looking up default filter. Default filter is a filter which is defined with ``is_default=True``. Useful when lookup config references nested filter without specifying which field to filter. In that case default filter will be used. """ return next(iter(filter( lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_default', False), self.filters.values() )), None)
[docs] def validate_key(self, key): """ Validate that :class:`.LookupConfig` key is correct. This is the key as provided in the querystring. Currently key is validated against a regex expression. Useful to filter out invalid filter querystring pairs since not whole querystring is not dedicated for filter purposes but could contain other information such as pagination information. In that case if the key is invalid key for filtering, we can simply ignore it without wasting time trying to get filter specification for it. Parameters ---------- key : str Key as provided in the querystring """ filter_key_validator(key)
[docs] def get_filter_backend(self): """ Get instantiated filter backend class. This backend is then used to actually filter queryset. """ return self.filter_backend_class( queryset=self.queryset, context=self.context, )
@cached_property def filter_backend(self): """ Property for getting instantiated filter backend. Primarily useful when accessing filter_backend outside of the filterset such as leaf filters or integration layers since backend has useful information for both of those examples. """ assert is not None, ( 'Filter backend can only be used when data is provided ' 'to filterset.' ) return self.get_filter_backend()
[docs] def filter(self): """ Main method which should be used on root :class:`.FilterSet` to filter queryset. This method: * asserts that filtering is being done on root :class:`.FilterSet` and that all necessary data is provided * creates :class:`.LookupConfig` from the provided data (querystring) * loops over all configs and attempts to get :class:`.FilterSet` for all of them * instantiates filter backend * uses the created filter specs to filter queryset by using specs Returns ------- querystring Filtered queryset """ assert self.root is self, ( '``filter`` can only be called on root ``FilterSet``.' ) assert self.queryset is not None, ( '``queryset`` was not passed for filtering.' ) assert isinstance(, QueryDict), ( '``data`` should be an instance of QueryDict.' ) specs = self.get_specs() self.filter_backend.bind(specs) return self.filter_backend.filter()
[docs] def get_specs(self): """ Get list of :class:`.FilterSpec` for the given querystring data. This function does: * unpacks the querystring data to a list of :class:`.LookupConfig` * loops through all configs and uses appropriate children filters to generate list of :class:`.FilterSpec` * if any validations fails while generating specs, all errors are collected and depending on ``strict_mode`` it re-raises the errors or ignores them. Returns ------- list List of :class:`.FilterSpec` """ configs = self._generate_lookup_configs() specs = [] errors = defaultdict(list) for data in configs: try: self.validate_key(data.key) except ValidationError: continue try: specs.append(self.get_spec(data)) except SkipFilter: pass except ValidationError as e: errors[data.key].extend( getattr(e, 'error_list', [getattr(e, 'message', '')]) ) if errors and self.strict_mode == raise ValidationError(dict(errors)) return specs
[docs] def get_spec(self, config): """ Get :class:`.FilterSpec` for the given :class:`.LookupConfig`. If the config is non leaf config (it has more nested fields), then the appropriate matching child filter is used to get the spec. If the config however is a leaf config, then ``default_filter`` is used to get the spec, when available, and if not, this filter is skipped. Parameters ---------- config : LookupConfig Config for which to generate :class:`.FilterSpec` Returns ------- FilterSpec Individual filter spec """ if isinstance(, dict): name, value =, config.value else: if self.default_filter is None: raise SkipFilter name = self.default_filter.source value = LookupConfig(config.key, if name not in self.filters: if self.default_filter: # if name is not found as a filter, there is a possibility # it is a lookup made on the default filter of this filterset # in which case we try to get that spec directly from the child return self.default_filter.get_spec(config) else: raise SkipFilter return self.filters[name].get_spec(value)
def _generate_lookup_configs(self): """ Generate ``LookupConfig``s for all data in querystring data. """ for key, values in for value in values: yield LookupConfig(key, six.moves.reduce( lambda a, b: {b: a}, (key.replace('!', '').split(LOOKUP_SEP) + [value])[::-1] ))
[docs]class ModelFilterSetOptions(FilterSetOptions): """ Custom options for :class:`.FilterSet` used for model-generated filtersets. Attributes ---------- model : Model Model class from which :class:`.FilterSet` will extract necessary filters. fields : None, list, optional Specific model fields for which filters should be created for. By default it is ``None`` in which case for all fields filters will be created for. exclude : list, optional Specific model fields for which filters should **not** be created for. allow_related : bool, optional Whether related/nested fields should be allowed when model fields are automatically determined (e.g. when explicit :attr:`.fields` is not provided). """ def __init__(self, options=None): super(ModelFilterSetOptions, self).__init__(options) self.model = getattr(options, 'model', None) self.fields = getattr(options, 'fields', None) self.exclude = getattr(options, 'exclude', []) self.allow_related = getattr(options, 'allow_related', True)
class BaseModelFilterSet(FilterSet): """ Base :class:`.FilterSet` for model-generated filtersets. The filterset can be configured via ``Meta`` class attribute, very much like how Django's ``ModelForm`` is configured. """ filter_options_class = ModelFilterSetOptions def get_filters(self): """ Get all filters defined in this filterset by introspecting the given model in ``Meta.model``. """ filters = super(BaseModelFilterSet, self).get_filters() assert self.Meta.model, ( '{name}.Meta.model is missing. Please specify the model ' 'in order to use {name}.' ''.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) ) if self.Meta.fields is None: self.Meta.fields = self._get_model_field_names() state = self._build_state() for name in self.Meta.fields: if name in self.Meta.exclude or name in filters: continue try: _filter = self._build_filter(name, state) except SkipFilter: continue else: if _filter is not None: filters[name] = _filter return filters @abc.abstractmethod def _get_model_field_names(self): """ Get a list of all model fields. This is used when ``Meta.fields`` is ``None`` in which case this method returns all model field names. .. note:: This method is an abstract method and must be implemented in subclasses. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _build_filter(self, name, state): """ Build a filter for the field within the model by its name. .. note:: This method is an abstract method and must be implemented in subclasses. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the field for which to build the filter within the ``Meta.model`` state State of the model as returned by :meth:`._build_state`. Since state is computed outside of the loop which builds filters, state can be useful to store information outside of the loop so that it can be reused for all filters. """ def _build_filterset(self, name, meta_attrs, base): """ Helper method for building child filtersets. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the filterset to build. The returned class will use the name as a prefix in the class name. meta_attrs : dict Attributes to use for the ``Meta``. base : type Class to use as a base class for the filterset. """ meta = type(str('Meta'), (object,), meta_attrs) filterset = type( str('{}FilterSet'.format(name)), (base,), { 'Meta': meta, '__module__': self.__module__, } ) return filterset() def _build_state(self): """ Hook function to build state to be used while building all the filters. Useful to compute common data between all filters such as some data about model so that the computation can be avoided while building individual filters. """