Source code for url_filter.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import abc
import re
from functools import wraps

import six
from cached_property import cached_property
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from .constants import StrictMode
from .fields import MultipleValuesField
from .utils import FilterSpec, dict_pop

    'in': lambda **kwargs: MultipleValuesField(min_values=1, **kwargs),
    'range': lambda **kwargs: MultipleValuesField(min_values=2, max_values=2, **dict_pop('all_valid', kwargs)),

    'isnull': forms.BooleanField(required=False),
    'second': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=59),
    'minute': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=59),
    'hour': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=23),
    'week_day': forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=7),
    'day': forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=31),
    'month': forms.IntegerField(),
    'year': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=9999),


[docs]class BaseFilter(six.with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class to be used for defining both filters and filtersets. This class implements the bare-minimum functions which are used across both filters and filtersets however all other functionality must be implemented in subclasses. Additionally by using a single base class, both filters and filtersets inherit from the same base class hence instance checks can be easily done by filteset's metaclass in order to find all declared filters defined in it. Parameters ---------- source : str Name of the attribute for which which filter applies to within the model of the queryset to be filtered as given to the :class:`.FilterSet`. Attributes ---------- parent : :class:`.FilterSet` Parent :class:`.FilterSet` to which this filter is bound to name : str Name of the field as it is defined in parent :class:`.FilterSet` is_bound : bool If this filter has been bound to a parent yet """ def __init__(self, source=None, *args, **kwargs): self._source = source self.parent = None = None self.is_bound = False def __repr__(self): data = self.repr() data = data if six.PY3 else data.encode('utf-8') return data
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def repr(self, prefix=''): """ Get the representation of the filter or its subclasses. Subclasses **must** overwrite this method. .. note:: This class should return unicode text data Parameters ---------- prefix : str All nested filtersets provide useful representation of the complete filterset including all descendants however in that case descendants need to be indented in order for the representation to get structure. This parameter is used to do just that. It specifies the prefix the representation must use before returning any of its representations. """
@property def source(self): """ Source field/attribute in queryset model to be used for filtering. This property is helpful when ``source`` parameter is not provided when instantiating :class:`.BaseFilter` or its subclasses since it will use the filter name as it is defined in the :class:`.FilterSet`. For example:: >>> from .filtersets import FilterSet >>> class MyFilterSet(FilterSet): ... foo = Filter(form_field=forms.CharField()) ... bar = Filter(source='stuff', form_field=forms.CharField()) >>> fs = MyFilterSet() >>> print(fs.filters['foo'].source) foo >>> print(fs.filters['bar'].source) stuff """ return self._source or @property def components(self): """ List of all components (source names) of all parent filtersets. """ if self.parent is None: return [] return self.parent.components + [self.source]
[docs] def bind(self, name, parent): """ Bind the filter to the filterset. This method should be used by the parent :class:`.FilterSet` since it allows to specify the parent and name of each filter within the filterset. """ = name self.parent = parent self.is_bound = True
@property def root(self): """ This gets the root filterset. """ if self.parent is None: return self return self.parent.root
[docs]class Filter(BaseFilter): """ Class which job is to convert leaf :class:`.LookupConfig` to :class:`.FilterSpec` Each filter by itself is meant to be used a "filter" (field) in the :class:`.FilterSet`. Examples -------- :: >>> from .filtersets import FilterSet >>> class MyFilterSet(FilterSet): ... foo = Filter(forms.CharField()) ... bar = Filter(forms.IntegerField()) Parameters ---------- form_field : Field Instance of Django's ``forms.Field`` which will be used to clean the filter value as provided in the queryset. For example if field is ``IntegerField``, this filter will make sure to convert the filtering value to integer before creating a :class:`.FilterSpec`. lookups : list, optional List of strings of allowed lookups for this filter. By default all supported lookups are allowed. default_lookup : str, optional If the lookup is not provided in the querystring lookup key, this lookup will be used. By default ``exact`` lookup is used. For example the default lookup is used when querystring key is ``user__profile__email`` which is missing the lookup so ``exact`` will be used. is_default : bool, optional Boolean specifying if this filter should be used as a default filter in the parent :class:`.FilterSet`. By default it is ``False``. Primarily this is used when querystring lookup key refers to a nested :class:`.FilterSet` however it does not specify which filter to use. For example lookup key ``user__profile`` intends to filter something in the user's profile however it does not specify by which field to filter on. In that case the default filter within profile :class:`.FilterSet` will be used. At most, one default filter should be provided in the :class:`.FilterSet`. no_lookup : bool, optional When ``True``, this filter does not allow to explicitly specify lookups in the URL. For example ``id__gt`` will not be allowed. This is useful when a given filter should only support a single lookup and that lookup name should not be exposed in the URL. This is of particular use when defining custom callable filters. By default it is ``False``. Attributes ---------- form_field : Field Django form field which is provided in initialization which should be used to validate data as provided in the querystring default_lookup : str Default lookup to be used as provided in initialization is_default : bool If this filter should be a default filter as provided in initialization no_lookup : str If this filter should not support explicit lookups as provided in initialization """ def __init__(self, form_field, lookups=None, default_lookup='exact', is_default=False, no_lookup=False, *args, **kwargs): super(Filter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.form_field = form_field self._given_lookups = lookups self.default_lookup = default_lookup or self.default_lookup self.is_default = is_default self.no_lookup = no_lookup
[docs] def repr(self, prefix=''): """ Get custom representation of the filter The representation includes the following information: * filter class name * source name (same as :attr:`.source`) when filter is bound to parent * primary form field (same as :attr:`.form_field`) * which lookups this filter supports * default lookup (same as :attr:`.default_lookup`) * if the filter is a default filter (same as :attr:`.is_default`) when filter is bound to parent * if this filter does not support explicit lookups (same as :attr:`.no_lookup`) """ return ( '{name}(' '{source}' 'form_field={form_field}, ' 'lookups={lookups}, ' 'default_lookup="{default_lookup}", ' '{is_default}' 'no_lookup={no_lookup}' ')' ''.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, source='source="{}", '.format(self.source) if self.is_bound else '', form_field=self.form_field.__class__.__name__, lookups=self._given_lookups or 'ALL', default_lookup=self.default_lookup, is_default='is_default={}, '.format(self.is_default) if self.is_bound else '', no_lookup=self.no_lookup) )
@cached_property def lookups(self): """ Cached property for getting lookups this filter supports The reason why we need as a property is because lookups cant be hardcoded. There are 3 main distinct possibilities which drive which lookups are supported: * lookups were explicitly provided in the filter instantiation in which case we use those lookups. For example:: >>> f = Filter(forms.CharField(), lookups=['exact', 'contains']) * when filter is already bound to a parent filterset and root filterset has a defined ``filter_backend`` we use supported lookups as explicitly defined by the backend. This is necessary since different backends support different sets of lookups. * when nether lookups are explicitly provided and filter is not bound yet we have no choice but not support any lookups and so we use empty set as supported lookups """ if self._given_lookups: return set(self._given_lookups) if hasattr(self.root, 'filter_backend'): return self.root.filter_backend.supported_lookups return set()
[docs] def get_form_field(self, lookup): """ Get the form field for a particular lookup. This method does not blindly return :attr:`.form_field` attribute since some lookups require to use different validations. For example if the :attr:`.form_field` is ``CharField`` but the lookup is ``isnull``, it makes more sense to use ``BooleanField`` as form field. Parameters ---------- lookup : str Name of the lookup Returns ------- Field Instantiated form field appropriate for the given lookup. """ if lookup in MANY_LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES: return MANY_LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES[lookup]( child=self.form_field, all_valid=getattr(self.root, 'strict_mode', ==, ) elif lookup in LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES: return LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES[lookup] else: return self.form_field
[docs] def clean_value(self, value, lookup): """ Clean the filter value as appropriate for the given lookup. Parameters ---------- value : str Filter value as given in the querystring to be validated and cleaned by using appropriate Django form field lookup : str Name of the lookup See Also -------- get_form_field """ form_field = self.get_form_field(lookup) return form_field.clean(value)
[docs] def get_spec(self, config): """ Get the ``FilterSpec`` for the provided ``config``. Parameters ---------- config : LookupConfig Lookup configuration for which to build ``FilterSpec``. The lookup should be a leaf configuration otherwise ``ValidationError`` is raised. Returns ------- FilterSpec spec constructed from the given configuration. """ # lookup was explicitly provided if isinstance(, dict): if not config.is_key_value(): raise ValidationError( 'Invalid filtering data provided. ' 'Data is more complex then expected. ' 'Most likely additional lookup was specified ' 'after the final lookup (e.g. field__in__equal=value).' ) if self.no_lookup: raise ValidationError( 'Lookup was explicit used in filter specification. ' 'This filter does not allow to specify lookup.' ) lookup = value = # use default lookup else: lookup = self.default_lookup value = if lookup not in self.lookups: raise ValidationError('"{}" lookup is not supported'.format(lookup)) is_negated = '!' in config.key value = self.clean_value(value, lookup) return FilterSpec(self.components, lookup, value, is_negated)
[docs]def form_field_for_filter(form_field): """ Decorator for specifying form field for a custom callable filter on the filter callable method Examples -------- :: >>> class MyFilterCallable(CallableFilter): ... @form_field_for_filter(forms.CharField()) ... def filter_foo_for_django(self, queryset, spec): ... return queryset Parameters ---------- form_field : Field Django form field which should be used for the decorated custom callable filter Returns ------- func Function which can be used to decorate a class method """ def wrapper(f): @wraps(f) def inner(self, *args, **kwargs): return f(self, *args, **kwargs) inner.form_field = form_field return inner return wrapper
[docs]class CallableFilter(Filter): """ Custom filter class meant to be subclassed in order to add support for custom lookups via custom callables The goal of this filter is to provide: * support for custom callbacks (or overwrite existing ones) * support different filtering backends Custom callable functions for lookups and different backends are defined via class methods by using the following method name pattern:: filter_<lookup_name>_for_<backend_name> Obviously multiple methods can be used to implement functionality for multiple lookups and/or backends. This makes callable filters pretty flexible and ideal for implementing custom reusable filtering filters which follow DRY. Examples -------- :: >>> from django.http import QueryDict >>> from .filtersets import FilterSet >>> class MyCallableFilter(CallableFilter): ... @form_field_for_filter(forms.CharField()) ... def filter_foo_for_django(self, queryset, spec): ... f = queryset.filter if not spec.is_negated else queryset.exclude ... return f(foo=spec.value) ... def filter_foo_for_sqlalchemy(self, queryset, spec): ... op = operator.eq if not spec.is_negated else ... return queryset.filter(op(, spec.value)) >>> class MyFilterSet(FilterSet): ... field = MyCallableFilter() >>> f = MyFilterSet(data=QueryDict('field__foo=bar'), queryset=[]) .. note:: Unlike base class :class:`.Filter` this filter makes ``form_field`` parameter optional. Please note however that when ``form_field`` parameter is not provided, all custom filter callables should define their own appropriate form fields by using :func:`.form_field_for_filter`. """ def __init__(self, form_field=None, *args, **kwargs): # need to overwrite to make form_field optional super(CallableFilter, self).__init__(form_field, *args, **kwargs) @cached_property def lookups(self): """ Get all supported lookups for the filter This property is identical to the super implementation except it also finds all custom lookups from the class methods and adds them to the set of supported lookups as returned by the super implementation. """ lookups = super(CallableFilter, self).lookups r = LOOKUP_CALLABLE_FROM_METHOD_REGEX custom_lookups = { m.groupdict()['filter'] for m in (r.match(i) for i in dir(self)) if m and m.groupdict()['backend'] == } return lookups | custom_lookups def _get_filter_method_for_lookup(self, lookup): name = 'filter_{}_for_{}'.format(lookup, return getattr(self, name)
[docs] def get_form_field(self, lookup): """ Get the form field for a particular lookup. This method attempts to return form field for custom callables as set by :func:`.form_field_for_filter`. When either custom lookup is not set or its form field is not set, super implementation is used to get the form field. If form field at that point is not found, this method raises ``AssertionError``. That can only happen when `form_field` parameter is not provided during initialization. """ try: return self._get_filter_method_for_lookup(lookup).form_field except AttributeError: pass form_field = super(CallableFilter, self).get_form_field(lookup) assert form_field is not None, ( '{name} was not provided form_field parameter in initialization ' '(e.g. {name}(form_field=CharField)) and form_field was not ' 'provided for the lookup. If the lookup is a custom filter callable ' 'you should provide form_field by using @form_field_for_filter ' 'decorator. If the lookup is a normal lookup, then please either ' 'provide form_field parameter or overwrite get_form_field().' ''.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) ) return form_field
[docs] def get_spec(self, config): """ Get the :class:`.FilterSpec` for the given :class:`.LookupConfig` with appropriately set :attr:`.FilterSpec.filter_callable` when the lookup is a custom lookup """ spec = super(CallableFilter, self).get_spec(config) spec.filter_callable = self._get_filter_method_for_lookup(spec.lookup) return spec