Source code for url_filter.filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from functools import partial

import six
from cached_property import cached_property
from django import forms
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from .fields import MultipleValuesField
from .utils import FilterSpec

    'in': partial(MultipleValuesField, min_values=1),
    'range': partial(MultipleValuesField, min_values=2, max_values=2),

    'isnull': forms.BooleanField(),
    'second': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=59),
    'minute': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=59),
    'hour': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=23),
    'week_day': forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=7),
    'day': forms.IntegerField(min_value=1, max_value=31),
    'month': forms.IntegerField(),
    'year': forms.IntegerField(min_value=0, max_value=9999),

[docs]class Filter(object): """ Filter class which main job is to convert leaf ``LookupConfig`` to ``FilterSpec``. Each filter by itself is meant to be used a "field" in the ``FilterSpec``. Parameters ---------- source : str Name of the attribute for which which filter applies to within the model of the queryset to be filtered as given to the ``FilterSet``. form_field : Field Instance of Django's ``forms.Field`` which will be used to clean the filter value as provided in the queryset. For example if field is ``IntegerField``, this filter will make sure to convert the filtering value to integer before creating a ``FilterSpec``. lookups : list, optional List of strings of allowed lookups for this filter. By default all supported lookups are allowed. default_lookup : str, optional If the lookup is not provided in the querystring lookup key, this lookup will be used. By default ``exact`` lookup is used. For example the default lookup is used when querystring key is ``user__profile__email`` which is missing the lookup so ``exact`` will be used. is_default : bool, optional Boolean specifying if this filter should be used as a default filter in the parent ``FilterSet``. By default it is ``False``. Primarily this is used when querystring lookup key refers to a nested ``FilterSet`` however it does not specify which filter to use. For example lookup key ``user__profile`` intends to filter something in the user's profile however it does not specify by which field to filter on. In that case the default filter within profile ``FilterSet`` will be used. At most, one default filter should be provided in the ``FilterSet``. Attributes ---------- parent : FilterSet Parent ``FilterSet`` to which this filter is bound to name : str Name of the field as it is defined in parent ``FilterSet`` """ def __init__(self, source=None, *args, **kwargs): self._source = source self.parent = None = None self._init(*args, **kwargs) def _init(self, form_field, lookups=None, default_lookup='exact', is_default=False): self.form_field = form_field self._given_lookups = lookups self.default_lookup = default_lookup or self.default_lookup self.is_default = is_default
[docs] def repr(self, prefix=''): return ( '{name}(' 'form_field={form_field}, ' 'lookups={lookups}, ' 'default_lookup="{default_lookup}", ' 'is_default={is_default}' ')' ''.format(name=self.__class__.__name__, form_field=self.form_field.__class__.__name__, lookups=self._given_lookups or 'ALL', default_lookup=self.default_lookup, is_default=self.is_default) )
def __repr__(self): data = self.repr() data = data if six.PY3 else data.encode('utf-8') return data @cached_property def lookups(self): if self._given_lookups: return set(self._given_lookups) if hasattr(self.root, 'filter_backend'): return self.root.filter_backend.supported_lookups return set() @property def source(self): """ Source field/attribute in queryset model to be used for filtering. This property is helpful when ``source`` parameter is not provided when instantiating ``Filter`` since it will use the filter name as it is defined in the ``FilterSet``. For example:: >>> class MyFilterSet(FilterSet): ... foo = Filter(form_field=CharField()) ... bar = Filter(source='stuff', form_field=CharField()) >>> fs = MyFilterSet() >>> print(fs.fields['foo'].source) foo >>> print(fs.fields['bar'].source) stuff """ return self._source or @property def components(self): """ List of all components (source names) of all parent filtersets. """ if self.parent is None: return [] return self.parent.components + [self.source]
[docs] def bind(self, name, parent): """ Bind the filter to the filterset. This method should be used by the parent ``FilterSet`` since it allows to specify the parent and name of each filter within the filterset. """ = name self.parent = parent
@property def root(self): """ This gets the root filterset. """ if self.parent is None: return self return self.parent.root
[docs] def get_form_field(self, lookup): """ Get the form field for a particular lookup. This method does not blindly return ``form_field`` attribute since some lookups require to use different validations. For example for if the ``form_field`` is ``CharField`` but the lookup is ``isnull``, it makes more sense to use ``BooleanField`` as form field. Parameters ---------- lookup : str Name of the lookup Returns ------- Field Instantiated form field appropriate for the given lookup. """ if lookup in MANY_LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES: return MANY_LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES[lookup](child=self.form_field) elif lookup in LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES: return LOOKUP_FIELD_OVERWRITES[lookup] else: return self.form_field
[docs] def clean_value(self, value, lookup): """ Clean the filter value as appropriate for the given lookup. Parameters ---------- value : str Filter value as given in the querystring to be validated and cleaned by using appropriate Django form field lookup : str Name of the lookup See Also -------- get_form_field """ form_field = self.get_form_field(lookup) return form_field.clean(value)
[docs] def get_spec(self, config): """ Get the ``FilterSpec`` for the provided ``config``. Parameters ---------- config : LookupConfig Lookup configuration for which to build ``FilterSpec``. The lookup should be a leaf configuration otherwise ``ValidationError`` is raised. Returns ------- FilterSpec spec constructed from the given configuration. """ # lookup was explicitly provided if isinstance(, dict): if not config.is_key_value(): raise ValidationError( 'Invalid filtering data provided. ' 'Data is more complex then expected. ' 'Most likely additional lookup was specified ' 'after the final lookup (e.g. field__in__equal=value).' ) lookup = value = # use default lookup else: lookup = self.default_lookup value = if lookup not in self.lookups: raise ValidationError('"{}" lookup is not supported'.format(lookup)) is_negated = '!' in config.key value = self.clean_value(value, lookup) return FilterSpec(self.components, lookup, value, is_negated)