Source code for url_filter.filtersets.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import enum
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy

import six
from cached_property import cached_property
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.core.validators import RegexValidator
from django.db.models.constants import LOOKUP_SEP
from django.http import QueryDict

from ..backends.django import DjangoFilterBackend
from ..exceptions import SkipFilter
from ..filters import Filter
from ..utils import LookupConfig

__all__ = ['FilterSet', 'FilterSetOptions', 'StrictMode']

[docs]class StrictMode(enum.Enum): """ Strictness mode enum. :``drop`` (default): ignores all filter failures. when any occur, ``FilterSet`` simply then does not filter provided queryset. :``fail``: when validation fails for any filter within ``FilterSet``, all error are compiled and cumulative ``ValidationError`` is raised. """ drop = 'drop' fail = 'fail'
LOOKUP_RE = re.compile( r'^(?:[^\d\W]\w*)(?:{}?[^\d\W]\w*)*(?:\!)?$' r''.format(LOOKUP_SEP), re.IGNORECASE ) class FilterKeyValidator(RegexValidator): regex = LOOKUP_RE message = ( 'Filter key is of invalid format. ' 'It must be `name[__<relation>]*[__<method>][!]`.' ) filter_key_validator = FilterKeyValidator()
[docs]class FilterSetOptions(object): """ Base class for handling options passed to ``FilterSet`` via ``Meta`` attribute. """ def __init__(self, options=None): pass
class FilterSetMeta(type): """ Metaclass for creating ``FilterSet`` classes. Its primary job is to do: * collect all declared filters in all bases and set them as ``_declared_filters`` on created ``FilterSet`` class. * instantiate ``Meta`` by using ``filter_options_class`` attribute """ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): try: parents = [b for b in bases if issubclass(b, FilterSet)] except NameError: parents = False new_class = super(FilterSetMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) # creating FilterSet itself if not parents: return new_class filters = {} for base in [vars(base) for base in bases] + [attrs]: filters.update({k: v for k, v in base.items() if isinstance(v, Filter)}) new_class._declared_filters = filters new_class.Meta = new_class.filter_options_class( getattr(new_class, 'Meta', None) ) return new_class
[docs]class FilterSet(six.with_metaclass(FilterSetMeta, Filter)): """ Main user-facing classes to use filtersets. ``FilterSet`` primarily does: * takes queryset to filter * takes querystring data which will be used to filter given queryset * from the querystring, it constructs a list of ``LookupConfig`` * loops over the created configs and attemps to get ``FilterSpec`` for each * in the process, if delegates the job of constructing spec to child filters when any match is found between filter defined on the filter and name in the config Parameters ---------- source : str Name of the attribute for which which filter applies to within the model of the queryset to be filtered as given to the ``FilterSet``. data : QueryDict, optional QueryDict of querystring data. Only optional when ``FilterSet`` is used a nested filter within another ``FilterSet``. queryset : iterable, optional Can be any iterable as supported by the filter backend. Only optional when ``FilterSet`` is used a nested filter within another ``FilterSet``. context : dict, optional Context for filtering. This is passed to filtering backend. Usually this would consist of passing ``request`` and ``view`` object from the Django view. strict_mode : str, optional Strict mode how ``FilterSet`` should behave when any validation fails. See ``StrictMode`` doc for more information. Default is ``drop``. Attributes ---------- filter_backend_class Class to be used as filter backend. By default ``DjangoFilterBackend`` is used. filter_options_class Class to be used to construct ``Meta`` during ``FilterSet`` class creation time in its metalclass. """ filter_backend_class = DjangoFilterBackend filter_options_class = FilterSetOptions def _init(self, data=None, queryset=None, context=None, strict_mode=StrictMode.drop): = data self.queryset = queryset self.context = context or {} self.strict_mode = strict_mode
[docs] def repr(self, prefix=''): header = '{name}()'.format(name=self.__class__.__name__) lines = [header] + [ '{prefix}{key} = {value}'.format( prefix=prefix + ' ', key=k, value=v.repr(prefix=prefix + ' '), ) for k, v in sorted(self.filters.items()) ] return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def get_filters(self): """ Get all filters defined in this filterset. By default only declared filters are returned however this methoc can be used a hook to customize that. """ return deepcopy(self._declared_filters)
@cached_property def filters(self): """ Cached property for accessing filters available in this filteset. In addition to getting filters via ``get_filters``, this property binds all filters to the filtset by using ``bind``. See Also -------- get_filters bind """ filters = self.get_filters() for name, _filter in filters.items(): _filter.bind(name, self) return filters @cached_property def default_filter(self): """ Cached property for looking up default filter. Default filter is a filter which is defined with ``is_default=True``. Useful when lookup config references nested filter without specifying which field to filter. In that case default filter will be used. """ return next(iter(filter( lambda i: getattr(i, 'is_default', False), self.filters.values() )), None)
[docs] def validate_key(self, key): """ Validate that ``LookupConfig`` key is correct. This is the key as provided in the querystring. Currently key is validated against a regex expression. """ filter_key_validator(key)
[docs] def get_filter_backend(self): """ Get instantiated filter backend class. This backend is then used to actually filter queryset. """ return self.filter_backend_class( queryset=self.queryset, context=self.context, )
@cached_property def filter_backend(self): """ Property for getting instantiated filter backend. Primarily useful when accessing filter_backend outside of the filterset such as leaf filters or integration layers since backend has useful information for both of those examples. """ assert is not None, ( 'Filter backend can only be used when data is provided ' 'to filterset.' ) return self.get_filter_backend()
[docs] def filter(self): """ Main method which should be used on root ``FilterSet`` to filter queryset. This method: * asserts that filtering is being done on root ``FilterSet`` and that all necessary data is provided * creates ``LookupConfig``s from the provided data (querystring) * loops over all configs and attemps to get ``FilterSpec`` for all of them * instantiates filter backend * uses the created filter specs to filter queryset by using specs Returns ------- querystring Filtered queryset """ assert self.root is self, ( '``filter`` can only be called on root ``FilterSet``.' ) assert self.queryset is not None, ( '``queryset`` was not passed for filtering.' ) assert isinstance(, QueryDict), ( '``data`` should be an instance of QueryDict.' ) specs = self.get_specs() self.filter_backend.bind(specs) return self.filter_backend.filter()
[docs] def get_specs(self): """ Get ``FilterSpecs`` for the given querystring data. This function does: * unpacks the querystring data to ``LookupConfig``s * loops throught all configs and uses appropriate children filters to generate ``FilterSpec``s * if any validations fails while generating specs, all errors are collected and depending on ``strict_mode`` it reraises the errors or ignores them. Returns ------- list List of ``FilterSpec``s """ configs = self._generate_lookup_configs() specs = [] errors = defaultdict(list) for data in configs: try: self.validate_key(data.key) specs.append(self.get_spec(data)) except SkipFilter: pass except ValidationError as e: errors[data.key].extend( getattr(e, 'error_list', [getattr(e, 'message', '')]) ) if errors and self.strict_mode == raise ValidationError(dict(errors)) return specs
[docs] def get_spec(self, config): """ Get ``FilterSpec`` for the given ``LookupConfig``. If the config is non leaf config (it has more nested fields), then the appropriate matching child filter is used to get the spec. If the config however is a leaf config, then ``default_filter`` is used to get the spec, when available, and if not, this filter is skipped. Parameters ---------- config : LookupConfig Config for which to generate ``FilterSpec`` Returns ------- FilterSpec Individual filter spec """ if isinstance(, dict): name, value =, config.value else: if self.default_filter is None: raise SkipFilter name = self.default_filter.source value = LookupConfig(config.key, if name not in self.filters: raise SkipFilter return self.filters[name].get_spec(value)
def _generate_lookup_configs(self): """ Generate ``LookupConfig``s for all data in querystring data. """ for key, values in for value in values: yield LookupConfig(key, six.moves.reduce( lambda a, b: {b: a}, (key.replace('!', '').split(LOOKUP_SEP) + [value])[::-1] ))