
0.3.2 (2017-05-19)

  • Fixed plain backend to return list in Python 3 vs filter() generator which is not compatible with Django pagination since it requires len() to be implemented.

0.3.1 (2017-05-18)

  • Fixed bug where default filters were used in root filtersets. As a result additional querystring parameters were validation which broke other functionality such as pagination.

0.3.0 (2017-01-26)

  • Added plain objects filtering support. More in docs and GitHub issue #8.
  • Added CallableFilter which allows to implement custom filters.
  • Normalizing to DRF’s ValidationError when using StrictMode.Fail since filterset raises Django’s ValidationError which caused 500 status code.
  • Fixes ModelFilterSet automatic introspection to ignore GenericForeignKey since they dont have form fields associated with them. See #20.
  • Releasing with wheels.

0.2.0 (2015-09-12)

  • Added SQLAlchemy support.

  • FilterSet instances have much more useful __repr__ which shows all filters at a glance. For example:

    >>> PlaceFilterSet()
      address = Filter(form_field=CharField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=False)
      id = Filter(form_field=IntegerField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=True)
      name = Filter(form_field=CharField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=False)
      restaurant = RestaurantFilterSet()
        serves_hot_dogs = Filter(form_field=BooleanField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=False)
        serves_pizza = Filter(form_field=BooleanField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=False)
        waiter = WaiterFilterSet()
          id = Filter(form_field=IntegerField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=True)
          name = Filter(form_field=CharField, lookups=ALL, default_lookup="exact", is_default=False)

0.1.1 (2015-09-06)

  • Fixed installation issue where not all subpackages were installed.

0.1.0 (2015-08-30)

  • First release on PyPI.