Source code for url_filter.backends.plain

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import re

from ..utils import dictify
from .base import BaseFilterBackend

[docs]class PlainFilterBackend(BaseFilterBackend): """ Filter backend for filtering plain Python iterables. .. warning:: The filter backend does filtering inside a regular loop by comparing attributes of individual objects within iterable. As a result, this is **NOT** efficient method for filtering any large amounts of data. In those cases, it would probably be better to find more appropriate and efficient way to filter data. """ name = 'plain' enforce_same_models = False supported_lookups = { 'contains', 'day', 'endswith', 'exact', 'gt', 'gte', 'hour', 'icontains', 'iendswith', 'iexact', 'iin', 'in', 'iregex', 'isnull', 'istartswith', 'lt', 'lte', 'minute', 'month', 'range', 'regex', 'second', 'startswith', 'week_day', 'year', }
[docs] def get_model(self): """ Get the model from the given queryset Since there is no specific model for filtering Python lists, this simply returns ``object`` """ return object
[docs] def filter_by_specs(self, queryset): """ Filter queryset by applying all filter specifications The filtering is done by calling manually loping over all items in the iterable and comparing inner attributes with the filter specification. """ if not self.regular_specs: return queryset return list(filter(self._filter_callable, queryset))
def _filter_callable(self, item): return all(self._filter_by_spec(item, spec) for spec in self.regular_specs) def _filter_by_spec(self, item, spec): filtered = self._filter_by_spec_and_value(item, spec.components, spec) if spec.is_negated: return not filtered return filtered def _filter_by_spec_and_value(self, item, components, spec): if not components and not isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): comparator = getattr(self, '_compare_{}'.format(spec.lookup)) try: return comparator(item, spec) except Exception: return True if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)): return any( self._filter_by_spec_and_value(i, components, spec) for i in item ) if not isinstance(item, dict): item = dictify(item) return self._filter_by_spec_and_value( item.get(components[0], {}), components[1:], spec, ) def _compare_contains(self, value, spec): return spec.value in value def _compare_day(self, value, spec): return == spec.value def _compare_endswith(self, value, spec): return value.endswith(spec.value) def _compare_exact(self, value, spec): return value == spec.value def _compare_gt(self, value, spec): return value > spec.value def _compare_gte(self, value, spec): return value >= spec.value def _compare_hour(self, value, spec): return value.hour == spec.value def _compare_icontains(self, value, spec): return spec.value.lower() in value.lower() def _compare_iendswith(self, value, spec): return value.lower().endswith(spec.value.lower()) def _compare_iexact(self, value, spec): return value.lower() == spec.value.lower() def _compare_in(self, value, spec): return value in spec.value def _compare_iin(self, value, spec): return value.lower() in [i.lower() for i in spec.value] def _compare_iregex(self, value, spec): return bool(re.match(spec.value, value, re.IGNORECASE)) def _compare_isnull(self, value, spec): if spec.value: return value is None else: return value is not None def _compare_istartswith(self, value, spec): return value.lower().startswith(spec.value.lower()) def _compare_lt(self, value, spec): return value < spec.value def _compare_lte(self, value, spec): return value <= spec.value def _compare_minute(self, value, spec): return value.minute == spec.value def _compare_month(self, value, spec): return value.month == spec.value def _compare_range(self, value, spec): return spec.value[0] <= value <= spec.value[1] def _compare_regex(self, value, spec): return bool(re.match(spec.value, value)) def _compare_second(self, value, spec): return value.second == spec.value def _compare_startswith(self, value, spec): return value.startswith(spec.value) def _compare_week_day(self, value, spec): # expected 1-Sunday and 7-Saturday return ((value.weekday() + 1) % 7) + 1 == spec.value def _compare_year(self, value, spec): return value.year == spec.value