Source code for url_filter.validators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

from django.core.validators import (
    MaxLengthValidator as _MaxLengthValidator,
    MinLengthValidator as _MinLengthValidator,
from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
from django.utils.translation import ungettext_lazy

[docs]@deconstructible class MinLengthValidator(_MinLengthValidator): """ Customer Django min length validator with better-suited error message """ code = 'min_length' message = ungettext_lazy( 'Ensure this value has at least %(limit_value)d items (it has %(show_value)d).', 'Ensure this value has at least %(limit_value)d items (it has %(show_value)d).', 'limit_value' )
[docs] def compare(self, a, b): return a < b
[docs] def clean(self, x): return len(x)
[docs]@deconstructible class MaxLengthValidator(_MaxLengthValidator): """ Customer Django max length validator with better-suited error message """ code = 'max_length' message = ungettext_lazy( 'Ensure this value has at most %(limit_value)d items (it has %(show_value)d).', 'Ensure this value has at most %(limit_value)d items (it has %(show_value)d).', 'limit_value' )
[docs] def compare(self, a, b): return a > b
[docs] def clean(self, x): return len(x)